Friday 27 January 2012

Sample Titles for COMM2 Section A

Communication and Culture: Unit 2
Sample Titles for COMM2
Section A: Readings

This must be on personal identity and once a Site A Topic has been selected, it is important to create a title which allows candidates to demonstrate engagement with key concepts from the course within the scope of a 500 word reading. Titles which are too vague or overly ambitious will prevent candidates from achieving this. It is good practice to make use of the personal pronoun and the two step flow model, as exemplified below, which has proven to be very successful in encouraging both a personal and focused response.

Site A: Topics

The Stories Of Our Lives
1. A Story From My Childhood
2. Kids’ TV and Me
3. Every picture tells a story: how my photo album tells the story of my life
4. Writing on the wall: how I have constructed a life through my Facebook profile
5. A life in songs: Investigating my soundtrack
6. Gotta have faith: the stories of my religion
7. ‘Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts’: investigating the story of my school life
8. E4 and me: viewing my life through Inbetweeners (or Skins/Misfits/ Hollyoaks)
9. I remember it well: how my gran’s memories tell my story
10. DearDiary: how I tell my private story

Everything I own: what stuff means.
1. The child in me: why I still have my cuddly toys
2. Fender forever: what my guitar says about me
3. Magic wand: why I love my GHDs
4. Me and my ipod: my life in a silver case
5. Exposed: what my digital camera reveals about my identity
6. What a marvel: my identity as a fan of super-hero comics
7. Lipstick on your collar: my makeup collection and me
8. Box set: Collecting DVDs as souvenirs
9. Badge of honour: how my badges communicate who I am
10. Consoles and gadgets: my identity as a technophile

Clothes make the person: to what extent are we what we wear?
1. On me ‘ead! The effect wearing different hats can make on my self-presentation and on the perceptions of others.
2. This is me: do you have to believe in what it says on the front of your t-shirt?
3. ‘You’re not going out looking like that!’ How much other people’s perceptions of me
are shaped by what I wear.
4. The rebel in me: why I hate my school uniform.
5. Clothes maketh the woman: why I love my designer labels.
6. ‘My shoes are killing me!’ Why I am in love with my high heels.
7. Don’t judge me totally by my cover! Do clothes reveal all about my identity?
8. I’m the new Metrosexual: I’m a boy and I like fashion too!
9. The uniform of the independence: why I love my jeans.
10. This isn’t really me: what my work uniform says about the company I work for.

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